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How to write anatomy answer related to joint | anatomy previous year question

Writer's picture: PhysiogkPhysiogk

Hi, welcome to all of physio's helping hand (physiogk) family members. Today we will discuss how to write the long and short answers to joint-related questions of anatomy.

In anatomy, question-related to joints are frequently asked in university exams or internal exams also. If you will answer it properly you can score a good mark. So in this blog, we tried to explain how to write the answer of any joint.

Do you have any idea which type of joint-related questions come in the exam…..

Let's see first some previous years questions (WBUHS)

  1. Shoulder joint (5 marks)

  2. First carpometacarpal Joint (of thumb). (5 marks)

  3. Talo calcaneo navicular joint (5 marks).

  4. Pivot joint (5 marks).

  5. Describes the knee joint under the following heading (3+4+3 marks). a. Bone forming the joint b. Ligament c. Movement

  6. What type of joint is the Knee joint? Enumerate the ligaments of the knee joint. What are the movements possible in this joint? Hamstring group of muscles is responsible for which movement of this joint? (2+5+2+1 marks)

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From the above questions, you may observe

  1. Generally, 5 Marks questions are asked in the exam.

  2. 10 marks questions are generally asked under some subheadings (Q.5 & 6).

  3. The question that has been asked is either under some subheading or it has been said directly to explain the joint.

How to write an answer of the above question

If questions are under subheadings then we will explain according to that subheadings but if questions are like Q.1, Q2, Q3, or Q4. then we will explain questions under the following point.

  • Joint type

  • Subtype

  • Articular surface

  • Ligament

  • Bursa related to joint

  • Blood supply

  • Nerve supply

  • Movement

  • Muscle help in movement

  • Clinical problem

Here, we will explain, how to write 5 marks answer of the shoulder joint.


JOINT TYPE - Synovial joint SUBTYPE- Multi-axial ball and socket type ARTICULAR SURFACE

The glenoid cavity of the scapula and the head of the humerus.

The shoulder joint is also known as the GLENOHUMERAL ARTICULATION because of the head of the humerus articulate into the glenoid cavity. It is a Weak joint because the glenoid cavity is too small and shallow to hold the head of the humerus in place.

Note:- Must add a labeled diagram of articulating joint.


a.The capsular ligament

b.Thecoracohumeral ligament c.Transversehumeral ligament d.The glenoidal labrum e. Superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments

(In question may be asked to explain the ligament or may ask the only name of the ligament so answer accordingly).

You can also draw labeled diagramsbrachialfibersthe The shortfibers

Bursae Related to the Joint

The subacromial (subdeltoid) bursa The subscapularis bursa The infraspinatus bursa.

Blood supply-

  • Anterior circumflex humeral vessels.

  • Posterior circumflex humeral vessels.

  • Suprascapular vessels.

  • Subscapular vessels.

Nerve supply-

Axillary nerve. Musculocutaneous nerve Suprascapular nerve.


Explain all movement with axis and plane for example

  • Flexion and Extension - Movement takes place in the sagittal plane and frontal axis

  • Abduction and Adduction- Frontal plane and sagittal axis.

Similarly, we will write for rotation, horizontal abduction, and adduction. You can also make a table.

Muscle Help In Movement -

We will write muscle name for each movement for example

  • Flexion- Deltoid anterior fibers

  • Extension- Posterior fiber of deltoid and

Similarly, we can write for abduction adduction, lateral and medial rotation. we can make a table as below


Axis and plane

Main Muscle

Accessory Muscles


​Sagittal plane and frontal axis

Clavicular head of the pectoralis major Anterior fibres of deltoid

​Coracobrachialis Short head of biceps brachi


​Sagittal plane and frontal axis

Posterior fibres of deltoid

Latissimus dorsi

​Teres major Long head of triceps brachii


​Frontal plane and sagittal axis.

Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Short head of biceps brachii Long head of triceps brachii

​Teres major . Coracobrachialis


​Frontal plane and sagittal axis.

Serratus anterior 90'-180' Upper and lower fibres of trapezius 90"-180


​Medial rotation

​Horizontal Plane and verticle axis

Pectoralis major Anterior fibres of deltoid Latissimus dorsi Teres major


​Lateral rotation

​Horizontal Plane and verticle axis

Posterior fibres of deltoid lnfraspinatus Teres minor


Clinical problem

1. Dislocation

  • Commonly dislocated due to its freedom of movement and instability.

  • The most common site of dislocation is inferior.

  • Cause: fall on shoulder-excessive extension and lateral rotation of the shoulder.

2. Subluxation

A lesser degree of displacement.

3. Fracture:

Fracture is a break in the structural continuity of a bone.

4. Shoulder tip pain-

Irritation of the diaphragm, gall stone, and pancreatitis causes referred pain in the shoulder because both the nerve arises from the C3-C4 spinal segment.

5. Frozen shoulder-

Causes pain stiffness in joint mostly causes in 40-60yrs of age.

6.Sub acromial bursitis.


  • Must add at least 2-3 labeled diagrams.

  • You must write clinical anatomy whether it asks in question or not.

  • Answer the question to the point. don't write an answer like a story or fill 6-7 pages of copy.

  • If possible, try to make a table like a table shown above.

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Thank you

physio's Helping Hand


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