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50+ Biomechanics MCQs for Entrance Exam Part-2

Writer's picture: PhysiogkPhysiogk

Updated: Jan 17

Hello, welcome to all members of my physio's helping hand family. This is the 9th post in a series of MCQs and quizzes for the MPT entrance exam, and the 2nd post featuring 50 BIOMECHANICS MCQs for MPT ENTRANCE EXAM PART-2

50+ Biomechanics MCQs for MPT Entrance Exam.

We are releasing a series of MCQ questions and answers for Physiotherapy, and this is the first post in that series featuring 50 MCQs in biomechanics with detailed explanations. We will continue to publish posts on various topics in the future. Therefore, please subscribe to Physio's Helping Hand ( or join our Telegram channel for regular updates.

We will release descriptive answer of these question soon so get update subscribe our blog post or join our social media handle. 

Attempt all MCQs question carefully

  1. Identify the correct plane and axis in which anterior & posterior pelvic tilt occurs.

A. Frontal plane & AP axis

B. Sagittal plane & Coronal axis

C. Transverse plane & Vertical axis

D. Sagittal plane & AP axis


  1. Name the muscle that limits flexion at the hip to 90 degrees when the knee is extended and increases up to 120 degrees with the knee flexed.

A. Gracilis

B. Sartorius

C. Hamstring

D. Rectus femoris


  1. The degree of hip flexion required for Normal level ground walking?

A. 30 degrees

B. 10 degrees

C. 35 degrees

D. 40 degrees


  1. Identify the two joint muscles around hip complex?

A. Hamstring

B. Rectus femoris

C. Gracilis

D. All of the above



  1. Identify the correct plane and axis of motion of hip abduction?

A. Sagittal, X-axis

B. Frontal, AP axis

C. Transverse, Vertical axis

D. Sagittal, Y-axis



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  1. For a patient with Hip pain and Osteoarthritis which side would you advise to use a cane?

A. Same side of pain

B. Contralateral side

C. Ipsilateral side with leaning

D. Contralateral side with leaning.


  1. The joint compression at the hip joint is the sum of?

A. Body weight compression + adductor

B. Body weight compression + abductor muscle compression

C. Body weight compression alone

D. Body weight compression + gravitational


  1. The weight of HAT ( HEAD, ARM &TRUNK) is about

A. 2/4" body weight

B. 2/3" body weight

C. 1/3" body weight

D. 2/6" body weight


  1. Identify the two joint hip extensors from the following.

A. Hamstring

B. Quadriceps

C. Gluteus maximus

D. Sartorius


  1. Identify the incorrect statement regarding Pelvifemoral rhythm:

A) It is an open chain motion of the hip complex.

B) The femur, pelvis, and spine work in a coordinated manner.v

C) The main aim is to increase ROM at the hip complex.

D) It can be considered analogous to scapulohumeral rhythm.



Best book for preparation for the MPT entrance exam 

Cover of "MCQs for Master in Physiotherapy Entrance Examination, Second Edition" by Suraj Kumar. Features physiotherapy images on a yellow background.

  1. Tightness of hip flexors may result in?

A. Decreased hip flexion

B. Posterior pelvic tilt

C. anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis

D. anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar kyphosis


  1. Identify the correct plane of lateral pelvic tilt.

A. Frontal

B. Sagittal

C. Transverse

D. Vertical


  1. When lateral trunk lean is seen associated with abductor weakness, the gait is called?

A. Antalgic gait

B. Gluteus medius gait

C. Lurching gait

D. Trendelenburg gait


  1. What is the cause of Cam impingement of femur

A. Excessive coverage of the femoral head by BRI

B. Overhanging of the femoral head by the acetabulum

C. Imperfect round shape of the femoral head

D. None of the above


  1. Types of Femoroacetebular Impingements?

A. Cam impingement

B. Pincer impingement

C. Combined impingement

D. All of the above

E. Options A & B


Boldfit resistance bands in various colors, a man exercising, text "UPTO 54% OFF" and a "BUY NOW" button.
  1. The motion that accompanies posterior pelvic tilt at the hip joint?

A. Hip flexion

B. Hip extension

C. Hip abduction

D. Internal rotation


  1. The compensatory motion that accompanies anterior pelvic tilt in the lumbar spine?

A. Lumbar extension

B. Lumbar flexion

C. Right lateral flexion

D. Left lateral flexion


  1. Identify the correct sequence of movement occurring in hip joint and lumbar spine with forward rotation of left pelvis?

A. right hip abduction & left lateral flexion

B. right hip medial rotation & rotation to the left

C. right hip lateral rotation & rotation to the left

D. left hip medial rotation & rotation to the right


  1. The most important primary hip flexor?

A. Iliopsoas

B. Rectus femoris

C. Gracilis

D. Sartorius


  1. The function of Sartorius muscle at the hip

A. flexion, abduction & lateral rotation

B. extension, abduction & lateral rotation

C. flexion, adduction & lateral rotation

D. flexion, abduction &medial rotation



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  1. Identify the secondary hip flexor muscles.

A. Adductor longus

B. Pectineus

C. Adductor Magnus

D. Gracilis

E. All of the above


  1. Identify incorrect statements regarding

A. A medical condition characterized by a feeling when the hip is flexed and extended.

B. Snapping hip syndrome, also referred to as dancer's hip.

C. The most common cause of snapping hip syndrome is when the iliotibial band snaps over the greater trochanter.

D. None of the above.


  1. The muscles commonly referred to as rotator cuff of the hip complex?

A. Gluteus Maximus & Minimus

B. Gluteus Medius & Minimus

C. Rectus Femoris & Vastus Medialis

D. Adductor Longus & Brevis


  1. The only two joint muscles in hip adduction

A. Adductor longus

B. Adductor Magnus

C. Adductor brevis

D. Gracilis


  1. Identify the incorrect statement regarding the hip complex.

A. Hip flexion can decrease with age.

B. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis can also be called slipped upper femoral epiphysis.

C. Coxa profunda and acetabular protrusion are different clinical entities.

D. There are no muscles with primary function.



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